The Adventures of Scruffy and Bluefoot by Dr. Sharon Aroian, Ph.D.

For decades, I have dedicated myself to the teaching of parents and the emotional reaching out to children, whether here or abroad. In my work, I have ventured into the areas of autism, divorce, death, anxiety, and the fears wrought by disaster. I have also focused significantly on helping developmentally healthy children who are struggling with insecurities, self-esteem issues, and the acceptance of their unique and magnifi cent selves, exactly as they are.

In this book, I have intertwined child development, parenting tools, and a wonderful adventure story never before told, illustrated with beautiful images captured by a brilliant artist from her own soul and love for children and humanity.

Because this book possesses insights that are cross-cultural, it lends itself to being translated into several languages. This is an added benefi t, since most children’s books cannot cross over developmentally to other cultures.

In addition, parents, teachers, and caregivers can use the book as a vehicle to teach such treasured values as courage, tradition, self-acceptance, parenthood, humanity, friendship, adventure, love and family. I think that, in time, it will be one of a series.

All children wonder about other children who look different. When Scruffy and Bluefoot arrive at the Magic Ribbon Tree, they learn that it symbolically represents the Humanity Tree and people of different color. For children, seeing is believing, and that is why they will love the story, while learning important lessons.


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